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发布时间:2018-12-08 07:05
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of reading strategies in the process of medical English reading by means of sound thinking and questionnaire. This study focuses on the following three questions: 1) what strategies are used by medical graduate students in medical English reading? 2) what are the strategies used in high and low level groups? 3) high. What are the similarities and differences in reading strategies used in the low level group? In order to answer the first question, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 30 medical graduate students. In order to answer the second and third questions, four of the medical graduate students were studied on the sound thinking. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: first, according to Oxford's classification of learning strategies, the questionnaire found that the subjects used "guess word meaning", "skimming", "prediction" and other strategies in the process of reading. These strategies are classified as cognitive strategies. Memory strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies and social strategies are used more frequently. Secondly, according to the coding table of reading strategies developed by Sheorey and Mokhtari (2001), the study of sound thinking found that auxiliary strategies are used most frequently in the high and low level groups. Among all the 25 strategies, "translation", "retouching", "interpretation", "prediction" and "self-questioning" are the strategies used frequently in the high and low level groups. The strategies of "using the characteristics of the article", "solving contradiction information", "utilizing prior knowledge" and "confirming prediction" are high, but the low level groups are less used. Third, the number of reading strategies used in the high level group is higher than that in the low level group, which is more significant in the use of metacognitive strategies, so there are different strategies use patterns in the high and low level groups. High level group, auxiliary strategy metacognitive strategy, and low level group, auxiliary strategy metacognitive strategy. In metacognitive strategy group, "prediction" strategy was used most in high level group, and "determining reading content" strategy was used most in low level group. This suggests that high-level groups tend to use contextual cues and keywords to predict articles. In addition, the low level group tended to rely on word level cues to understand the article, while the high level group more relied on the analysis and evaluation text to understand the article. This study has some reference value for the research of similar research methods in the future. At the same time, it provides some suggestions for medical graduate students to improve their reading level of medical English.


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