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发布时间:2018-12-08 21:24
[Abstract]:Frequency has attracted much attention since the prevailing period of behaviorism and gradually faded out of academic field under the influence of language innate theory. In recent years, its status has been re-established in the field of language acquisition. In order to determine the influence of frequency on language learning, foreign empirical studies on frequency have sprung up one after another. In recent years, there have been similar studies in China. It is agreed that frequency has a significant effect on language fluency, but the influence of frequency on accuracy and complexity is still controversial. Some scholars believe that although frequency affects language learning, there are other factors, such as second language proficiency. Zhou Dandan and Huang Xiang (2015) found that frequency has different effects on L2 learners at different levels, but there are few similar studies in China. Therefore, on the basis of many studies at home and abroad, this paper mainly discusses the following questions: (1) whether frequency has a significant impact on writing accuracy; (2) whether frequency has a significant effect on fluency; (3) whether frequency has a significant effect on complexity (lexical complexity and syntactic complexity), and (4) whether frequency is influenced by L2 level. In this study, 32 junior English majors were selected. The research methods are experiment and interview. The experiment lasted three weeks with the same reading and writing task once a week. At the end of the experiment, three students were selected from the high and low group according to the final examination scores, in order to better understand the function of frequency. Finally, all the data are analyzed, analyzed and discussed. The results show that: (1) Frequency has a significant effect on accuracy, fluency and lexical complexity, but has no significant effect on syntactic complexity; (2) the influence of frequency on language proficiency varies with the level of second language: in terms of accuracy, frequency has a significant effect on both high and low level groups, but the high level group is more advanced; For fluency, frequency had a significant effect on the high level group, but not on the low level group. Finally, in terms of complexity, frequency has a significant effect on the syntactic complexity of low level group, but not on high level group. Frequency had no significant effect on lexical complexity in low level group, but significant effect on high level group. The influence of frequency on language competence may be related to the allocation of attention resources, while the level of second language level may affect the efficiency of attention resource allocation and the speed of automation, so frequency is restricted by second language level. To some extent, the present study confirms that frequency affects language learning, and this effect varies from language to language level.


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