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发布时间:2018-12-14 05:50
[Abstract]:This translation practice report takes the practice of Columbus from America, one of the masterpieces of Liu Xingshi, a well-known Chinese writer, as an example, to analyze the stylistic features of the original text and the translation techniques used in the translation of the book. The report consists of four parts, including task description, translation background, application of translation techniques for post-translation assessment and reflection. First, the task description introduces and generalizes the translation task. It is pointed out that the purpose of translating this book is to translate a vivid and interesting adventure story for the target children. In the second chapter, by summarizing the features of the original language and rhetoric, we can see that Liu Xingshi is good at using vivid verbs, cultural carrier vocabulary and a lot of rhetoric to enrich the readability of his works. It also points out that the purport of Liu Xingshi's children's literature works always puts the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty first. By analyzing the lexical and rhetorical characteristics of Columbus from America and his grasp of the tone of the thesis, the third chapter is devoted to the translation of words and sentences. The application of translation techniques in translation practice through case study. Finally, the author summarizes the limitations in translation practice and the reflection of the translator himself, that is, as a qualified translator, in addition to solid grammar, bilingual ability, translation knowledge, we should also attach importance to the cultural background of China and the West. Through the analysis of the translation practice project, the translator hopes that through the detailed analysis and summary of the translation practice in this report, some constructive suggestions can be provided to the translators interested in Liu Xingshi's works. The translation techniques involved in the report can help other translators.


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