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交际翻译和语义翻译指导下Missing Microbes的翻译实践报告

发布时间:2018-12-14 20:52
【摘要】:科技英语具有逻辑思维清晰、表达相对固定、客观性等特点,对翻译的水准提出了较高的要求。本翻译实践在语义翻译和交际翻译理论的指导下,对科技英语著作Missing Microbes的前两个章节进行翻译,并以译文为基础对翻译科技类文章时可以采用的策略和技巧进行探讨。节译部分主要讲述了微生物在地球生态圈中的重要地位,以及微生物对于人体的重要作用。原文涉及众多医学和生物学的专业知识,以及大量的专业词汇,很多在词典中难以找到对应解释,给翻译带来了很大的挑战。本实践报告从原文的专业术语、文本特点和作者的表达习惯等角度综合分析原文,从词语和句子两大方向入手,用纽马克的语义翻译和交际翻译理论指导翻译实践,探讨了翻译技巧和策略,力求使译文读者理解原文作者所要表达的全部内容。对应科技文本所具有的特点,语义翻译被用于保留原文作者的语言特点和表达方式,包括用词习惯、特色风格、客观数据等;而交际翻译则被用于调整译文,使其更容易被读者理解和接受;最理想的方法是将二者结合,从而既能保证准确性和客观性,又能实现原文的效果,给译文读者带来与原文读者最为贴近的阅读感受。本实践报告共五章,第一章简要介绍原文作者和文本内容,以及在翻译时应考虑到的主要方面;第二章简要介绍了纽马克的语义翻译和交际翻译理论,和涉及到的文本类型理论;第三章讲述了翻译前、翻译过程中以及翻译后所做的工作;第四章从译文出发,从词汇和句子两个方向入手,详细分析了语义和交际翻译理论指导下的翻译实践和所运用的技巧与策略;第五章总结。
[Abstract]:EST has the characteristics of clear logical thinking, relatively fixed expression, objectivity and so on. Guided by the theories of semantic translation and communicative translation, this translation practice attempts to translate the first two chapters of Missing Microbes, and discusses the strategies and techniques to be used in translating scientific and technical articles on the basis of translation. This part mainly describes the importance of microbes in the Earth's ecosphere, and the important role of microbes in the human body. The original text involves a lot of medical and biological expertise, as well as a large number of professional vocabulary, many of which are difficult to find corresponding explanations in dictionaries, which brings great challenges to translation. This practical report synthetically analyzes the original text from the perspectives of the technical terms, the characteristics of the text and the author's expressive habits, and starts with the two main directions of words and sentences, and uses Newmark's semantic and communicative translation theories to guide translation practice. This paper probes into translation techniques and strategies in order to make the target readers understand the whole content of the original author. The semantic translation is used to preserve the linguistic characteristics and expressions of the original author, including the usage of words, the characteristic style, the objective data and so on. On the other hand, communicative translation is used to adjust the translation to make it easier for readers to understand and accept. The most ideal way is to combine the two methods so as to ensure the accuracy and objectivity of the original text and to bring the readers the closest reading experience to the readers of the original text. The first chapter briefly introduces the author of the original text and the content of the text, as well as the main aspects to be taken into account in translation; Chapter two gives a brief introduction to Newmark's theory of semantic translation and communicative translation, as well as the text type theory involved, and the third chapter deals with the work done before, during and after translation. Chapter four starts from the target text and analyzes the translation practice, skills and strategies under the guidance of semantic and communicative translation theories from the perspective of lexical and sentence approaches.


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