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发布时间:2018-12-22 09:33
[Abstract]:Evaluation system is an indispensable part of curriculum learning. At present, the evaluation method of public foreign language in higher vocational colleges and colleges can not meet the needs of public foreign language teaching. The form of examination is mainly closed examination, the design of question type is unreasonable, and the content of examination is divorced from the purpose of teaching. The public foreign language evaluation in higher vocational colleges should be promoted and optimized, and the process assessment should be introduced, and the evaluation mechanism should be adopted which combines the process assessment with the summative assessment. To improve the distribution of test questions, to set up the test questions with reasonable difficulty and ease, to improve the validity of evaluation, to establish a scientific achievement feedback mechanism, the examination content should be employment-oriented and vocational ability cultivation should be the goal.
【作者单位】: 山东医学高等专科学校;


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