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发布时间:2018-12-23 20:13
[Abstract]:English intensive reading course is an important course for English majors. English intensive reading course examination is an important means to test students' learning effect. An examination of the validity of the teacher's self-designed English intensive reading course for the second year can help teachers to know whether the content of the test meets the basic requirements of the syllabus. It can help us to understand whether this course can develop students' English comprehensive ability, so that the students can really reach the level of English majors. In this context, this paper puts forward the following research questions: 1. What is the validity of the teacher's self-designed English intensive Reading Test? Especially in terms of content validity, to what extent does the test meet the requirements and requirements of the syllabus? 2. If the validity of the test is not satisfactory, what can be improved? On the basis of Bachman's framework of task characteristics and the theory of content validity, this paper analyzes the data of questionnaires and teacher interviews, as well as the comparative analysis of English intensive reading papers designed by teachers in three universities. This paper analyzes the validity of English intensive reading course, especially the validity of content. This study finds that the content of the English intensive reading course designed by teachers has good relevance, but the content coverage is not enough, and the examination of question type is not comprehensive enough. In terms of each part of the test, the content of vocabulary and grammar has a large coverage, but the proportion of word and grammar is misallocated, and the grammar examination is too few. Although the reading part is reasonable in difficulty, the quantity of words is moderate, the subject matter and genre are suitable, the distribution of examination center is reasonable, but the reading speed is too slow, the examination of the examinee's reading skill is not comprehensive enough, the overall content validity is not high. Cloze has high validity, proper theme and genre, reasonable design and abundant test points. The translation validity is relatively high, the content coverage is wide, the examination spot is more comprehensive. Besides the lack of interactivity, the content of writing is appropriate, the examination method and word count are appropriate, and the validity is relatively good. In general, the validity of English intensive reading course designed by teachers is not ideal. At the end of this paper, some suggestions are put forward to improve the validity of the English intensive Reading course designed by teachers. This paper argues that the test should be more comprehensive, covering vocabulary and grammar, cloze, reading, translation and writing. The distribution of question types should be more reasonable, and more attention should be paid to the examination of Gestalt, translation and writing. The test should focus on understanding and applying the language, rather than memorizing the content of the textbook. The material should be more realistic, vivid and challenging in length. Questions should be more diversified. The examination of language points is more comprehensive and reasonable. This paper points out the influence of the test on English teachers and students, and suggests that teachers should improve the test design, and students should take the test seriously, so as to improve their English ability and level. This paper also points out the shortcomings of the study: due to limited time and energy, the study only focuses on the validity of the content, the sample selection is not representative enough, and the questionnaire survey sample data is small. Finally, this paper suggests that the following studies should be more comprehensive in validity, more representative in sample selection, more thoughtful in data collection, and more innovative in research methods.


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