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发布时间:2018-12-28 13:21
[Abstract]:Some students become students with learning difficulties in high school English learning for various reasons. These students with English learning difficulties often encounter a problem that puzzles them. Specifically, they often spend a lot of time on English vocabulary learning, but with little success, and there are many unknown words. Many high school English teachers also find that vocabulary learning is one of the major difficulties faced by many students with English learning difficulties in senior two. It is worth studying whether there is a vocabulary learning strategy for the students with English learning difficulties in Senior two. In order to understand the actual situation of vocabulary learning strategies of students with English learning difficulties in Senior two, the present study investigates and interviews the use of vocabulary learning strategies of students with English learning difficulties in Senior two, and attempts to answer the following two questions: 1. What are the general characteristics of vocabulary learning strategies of the students with English learning difficulties in Senior two? What are the typical problems in vocabulary learning strategies for students with English learning difficulties in Senior two? The present study defines the students with English learning difficulties in Senior two as having normal intelligence and no defects. But these students' English learning efficiency is very low. At the same time, their English scores do not meet the minimum requirements of Common High School English Curriculum Standard (experiment) (2003). In addition, the students with English learning difficulties in this study must meet the following three requirements: first, in the last two formal large-scale examinations, 20% of the students scored in the second grade; Second, in the last two major formal examinations, they failed in English (a full score of 150, less than 90); third, the class's English teachers selected students who thought they had difficulties in learning English. This study synthesizes the previous viewpoints and refers to the English Curriculum Standard of General Senior High School (experiment) (2003), classifying vocabulary learning strategies into metacognitive strategies, social strategies and resource strategies. The questionnaire is mainly based on GuJohnson's (1996) questionnaire on vocabulary learning strategies. It also makes some modifications according to the actual situation of the students with English learning difficulties in Senior two and the author's own teaching experience. Considering the reliability of the revised questionnaire, the validity and reliability of the questionnaire were analyzed. The subjects of this study are 70 students with English learning difficulties in Grade 2, selected from Baotou No. 4 Middle School and using quantitative and qualitative methods. The purpose of this study is to investigate the general characteristics of vocabulary learning strategies of students with English learning difficulties in Senior two and the typical problems in vocabulary learning strategies of students with learning disabilities through questionnaires and interviews. Based on this, some suggestions on the use of vocabulary strategies for students with learning difficulties and the teaching of vocabulary by teachers are put forward in the hope that it can be helpful to students and teachers. The results of the survey are as follows: 1. The number of students with English learning difficulties in senior two using vocabulary learning strategies is relatively small, and the level of use is not very high. Among the four primary indexes of metacognitive strategy, social strategy and resource strategy, the number of people using social strategy is low, and the number of people using cognitive strategy is 2. 2%. Students with learning disabilities do have some problems in the use of vocabulary strategies, including their concept of vocabulary learning, vocabulary learning methods, and learning plans. Finally, according to the results of the survey, the students with learning disabilities have the general characteristics of using vocabulary strategies and some problems in the use of vocabulary strategies. The author puts forward four kinds of vocabulary strategies for students with learning difficulties and English teachers.


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