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发布时间:2018-12-30 10:43
【摘要】:随着经济社会的发展,国家间的科普类交流活动日渐频繁。越来越多的科普文本被引入中国,科普文本的翻译也日益增多。因此,深入研究和探讨科普文本的特点和翻译,提高其翻译质量,具有重要意义。本次翻译实践的材料来自三联出版社委托翻译的《南极:神秘大陆亲历记》(Antarctica:An Intimate Portrait of a Mysterious Continent)一书第一章。本报告首先对翻译项目进行了介绍,主要包括文本来源、内容特征、委托方的要求等,然后重点探讨了翻译过程中遇到的问题的解决方法。首先,通过案例从词汇层面探讨了术语和专有名词的翻译,归纳出了直译、意译、音译、借用已有译名等方法;其次,普通名词的翻译则采用了引申法、词类转换、省略和增译等方法;另外,在句子层面,特别是复杂句,主要采用了顺译、调整次序、分译法、被动变主动等方法。通过本次实践证明,这些方法在保证译文的通顺和准确方面起了很大作用,同时希望本报告能对英文科普文本的翻译起到指导作用。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and society, the exchange of popular science between countries is becoming more and more frequent. More and more popular science texts have been introduced into China, and the translation of popular science texts is increasing. Therefore, it is of great significance to study and explore the characteristics and translation of popular science texts in order to improve their translation quality. The translation practice is based on the translation commissioned by Sanlian Publishing House. Antarctica: the Mystery Land. (chapter 1 of Antarctica:An Intimate Portrait of a Mysterious Continent). This report first introduces the translation projects, including the source of the text, the characteristics of the content, the requirements of the client, and then discusses the solutions to the problems encountered in the process of translation. First of all, the paper discusses the translation of terms and proper nouns from the lexical level through case studies, and concludes the methods of literal translation, free translation, transliteration, borrowing from existing translated names and so on. Secondly, the translation of common nouns adopts the methods of extension, part of speech conversion, ellipsis and addition. In addition, at the sentence level, especially in complex sentences, it mainly adopts the methods of sequential translation, adjusting order, dividing translation, passively changing initiative and so on. It is proved that these methods play an important role in ensuring the smooth and accurate translation, and it is hoped that this report can guide the translation of English popular science texts.


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