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发布时间:2018-12-31 12:50
[Abstract]:The form of this thesis is the English-Chinese translation practice report. The original text is the recent publication of Mongolian War Art by Professor Timothy May, an American Mongolian historian. The book is a typical Mongolian military history work, mainly describes the organization, training, weapons, logistics, tactical strategy and so on. At present, Korean and Polish have been translated into two languages. The selected chapters are Chapter 4 / 5, with 10524 words in English and 17781 words in Chinese. These three chapters discuss in detail the military armament, espionage, tactics and strategy of the Mongolian War, which are the core chapters of the book. Its value lies in revealing the little-known military logistics, supplies, medical treatment, tactics, generals and operational details in the course of Mongolian military conscription, which provides more historical data for the study of Mongolian military history and has high academic value. The structure of the original text is clear and the translation type belongs to the historical translation in non-literary translation with emphasis on informative text translation. Because the text belongs to historical monographs, there are a lot of difficulties in translation, including (1) translation of Mongolian tactical terms, Mongolian military terminology and Mongolian culture-loaded words; (2) structure and word order of sentences, semantic integrity and redundancy; (3) illustrative translation (31), footnotes and punctuation, etc. In view of the above difficulties, the author draws on the communicative translation theory put forward by English linguist and translation theorist Newmark. Communicative translation focuses on the feelings of the target readers and emphasizes the receptive effect of translation. The translation reflects the fluency of reading and the accuracy of expression of academic works. The translation practice report analyzes the difficulties from lexical, syntactic and textual aspects, and enumerates a large number of translation examples. The analysis shows that: (1) many Mongolian military terms are obscure and difficult to understand. On the basis of the accurate transmission of the original information, the translation attempts to choose the idiomatic and easy-to-understand Chinese translation terms or to translate them by themselves; (2) by adjusting sentence order structure, adding translation, using four-character words and changing punctuation marks to make the translation accord with the language usage norms and reading characteristics of historical works, (3) the translation of the original illustration should be concise and concise; (4) the original text is ambiguous and obscure, and the translator adds the explanation by adding footnotes to make the information of the translation more clear.


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