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发布时间:2019-01-04 23:03
【摘要】:Wuthering Heights是英国女作家Emily Bronte创作的唯一的一部小说。它迥异于同时代的作品,充满着丰富的想象和强烈的情感,具有震撼人心的艺术力量,受到了全世界文学评论家从不同角度对它进行的研究。杨苡是我国杰出的翻译家,其代表译作《呼啸山庄》于1955年由上海平明出版社出版,“文革”后由江苏人民出版社和译林出版社于1980年和1990年再版,她的译本还于1986年获得1979-1986南京市作协首席金陵文学奖中唯一的翻译奖。尽管近年来国内有不少学者从译者主体性、女性话语、文学艺术特色等角度对杨孩及其译本进行了研究,但像本文从译者行为批评角度开展的研究,尚属首次。本文拟以杨苡译《呼啸山庄》为研究对象,结合译者行为批评中的“求真-务实”译者行为连续统评价模式,对译者杨苡的翻译行为展开尽可能全面而客观的分析。通过分析,本文作者得出结论:首先,作为语言人,杨苡更多地关注原文语言所蕴含的意义以及原文作者想要表达的情感,在翻译的过程以“求真”为本;其次,作为社会人,杨苡又倾向于务实,即在保证不损害原文大意的情况下,较高地关注了译文的接受度,做到了“务实”为上,此时译者行为的合理度较高,既保留了原文风格,又满足了读者之需。本文共分五章:第一章介绍了 Wuthering Heights及其中译本,研究背景、问题、意义及总体结构。第二章为文献回顾。首先介绍了杨孩译《呼啸山庄》的研究现状;其次介绍了周领顺教授的译者行为批评的相关理论,尤其是“求真—务实”连续统评价模式,这也是本文的主要分析工具。第三章和第四章为本文的主体部分。两章分别从杨苡作为语言人和社会人的角度,或者具体地讲,在译者行为批评的理论指导下,辅以大量的例证来说明杨苡是如何偏向原文/作者和何时倾向译文/读者的,并尽可能全面客观地分析这样的译者行为所产生的译文效果和可行性。第五章为结论部分,阐述了本文的主要发现,研究不足以及对未来研究和翻译实践的启示。
[Abstract]:Wuthering Heights is the only novel by British woman writer Emily Bronte. It is different from the contemporary works, full of rich imagination and strong emotion, and has a powerful artistic force, which has been studied by the world's literary critics from different angles. Yang Yi is an outstanding translator in China. His representative translation of Wuthering Heights was published by Shanghai Pingming Publishing House in 1955. After the Cultural Revolution, it was republished by Jiangsu people's Publishing House and Yilin Publishing House in 1980 and 1990. Her translation also won the only translation award in the 1979-1986 Nanjing Writer Association's Chief Jinling Prize for Literature. Although in recent years many domestic scholars have studied Yang Hua and his translation from the perspectives of translator subjectivity female discourse and literary and artistic characteristics it is the first time that this article has carried out the research from the perspective of the translator's behavior criticism. This paper takes Yang Yi's translation of Wuthering Heights as the research object, and analyzes the translation behavior of Yang Yi as comprehensively and objectively as possible, combining with the continuous evaluation model of "seeking truth and pragmatism" in the translator's behavior criticism. First of all, as a linguist, Yang Yi pays more attention to the meaning of the original language and the emotion that the original author wants to express, which is based on "seeking truth" in the process of translation; Secondly, as a social person, Yang Yi tends to be pragmatic, that is to say, she pays high attention to the acceptance of the target text and achieves "pragmatism" under the condition of not damaging the main idea of the original text, so that the translator's behavior is more reasonable. It not only retains the original style, but also meets the needs of the readers. This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter introduces Wuthering Heights and its Chinese translation, research background, problems, significance and overall structure. The second chapter is literature review. This paper first introduces the current research situation of Yang Bao's translation of Wuthering Heights, and then introduces the relevant theories of Zhou Zhangshun's translator's behavioral criticism, especially the continuous evaluation model of "seeking truth and pragmatism", which is also the main analytical tool of this paper. The third and fourth chapters are the main part of this paper. From the perspective of Yang Yi as a linguist and a social person, or more specifically, under the guidance of the translator's theory of behavioral criticism, the two chapters illustrate how Yang Yi is biased towards the original / author and when she is inclined to the target / reader. The translation effect and feasibility of such translator's behavior are analyzed as comprehensively and objectively as possible. Chapter five is the conclusion part, which describes the main findings of this paper, the lack of research and the implications for future research and translation practice.


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