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发布时间:2019-01-07 13:53
【摘要】:潘光旦是我国著名的社会学家、优生学家、民族学家和教育学家,他在译介国外学术名著方面也做出了杰出贡献。他的译作不仅数量众多、选材广泛,同时这些译作带有译者明显的翻译风格。1944年出版的译著《性心理学》(Psychology of Sex:A Manual for Students)被誉为中西方性心理学研究相结合的典范,这部译著中近九万言的译者注和其他副文本成分的使用是这部译著的突出特点。本文以热拉尔·热奈特(GerardGenette,1930-)的副文本理论为理论基础,以潘光旦译《性心理学》的副文本为研究对象,根据热奈特对副文本的分类,采用描述性研究方法,逐一梳理并考察潘译《性心理学》中各类副文本成分的内容、特点、功能,并从整体上分析这部译著的副文本调节原作、译作和目的语读者关系上的宏观功能。潘译《性心理学》的副文本类型多样,本文重点考察这部译著的出版商内副文本、序言、注释、后记这四类副文本成分,同时它们作为一个整体在宏观层面上实现了四重功能:反映原作风格与特点、展现译作特点与译者思想、影响目的语读者理解与接受、折射目的语社会的文化环境。
[Abstract]:Pan Guangdan is a famous sociologist, eugenist, ethnologist and educator in China. His translated works are not only numerous and widely selected, but also have an obvious translation style. (Psychology of Sex:A Manual for Students), a translation book published in 1944, is regarded as a model of the combination of Chinese and Western studies of sexual psychology. The use of nearly 90,000 words and other paraphrase elements in the translation is a prominent feature of the translation. Based on Gerard GerardGenette,1930- 's theory of accessory text and Pan Guangdan's translation of sexual Psychology, this paper uses descriptive research method according to Genet's classification of accessory text. This paper reviews the contents, characteristics and functions of various paraphrase components in Pan's Translation of sexual Psychology, and analyzes the macro functions of the readjustment of the original text, the translation and the readers of the target language. There are a variety of sub-text types in Pan's Translation of sexual Psychology. This paper focuses on the four types of sub-text in the publisher of the translated book, the preface, the notes and the postscript. At the same time, as a whole, they achieve four functions at the macro level: to reflect the style and characteristics of the original work, to show the characteristics of the translation and the translator's thoughts, to influence the understanding and acceptance of the target language readers, and to reflect the cultural environment of the target language society.


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