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发布时间:2019-01-08 17:21
[Abstract]:Translation is inextricably linked with society, resulting in a research turn called Translation Sociology. The sociology of translation focuses on the translator's behavior and the negotiation and mediation between the subjects involved in the process of translation. Under the framework of sociology, translation studies will be more dialectical and comprehensive. Among the three sociologists' theories, Latour's theory of actor network is most closely related to process and subject factors. Therefore, this paper studies the overall translation process of Lu Xun's novels by using the sociological theory of actor network. In this paper, the following research questions are put forward: (1) what are the characteristics of the blue version at the lexical and sentence level as compared with the Yang version and the Lai version? (2) in the blue translation network, What kind of influence has Lan Shi-ling and other actors exerted on the characteristics of the text? (3) how do the actors influence and ultimately construct the whole network of the blue translation? In this paper, we first use corpus comparison to find out the characteristics of the blue version by comparing it with Yang's and Lai's versions, and then apply the theory of actor network on the basis of text analysis and literature analysis, with the translator as the starting point. Try to answer the above research questions. It is found that compared with Yang and Lai's versions, the blue version has rich vocabulary, short sentences, excellent structure and strong readability. She tends to condense complex meanings into short words and translate the original text in a very concise way. These characteristics are not only the embodiment of Lan Shi-ling 's own identity and concept, but also the result of the whole translation production, publishing and consumption network. This paper not only studies Lu Xun's novels in blue translation, but also explores the actors who make the whole blue translation network successful. This not only contributes to the further study of translation sociology, but also enlightens Chinese literature.


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