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发布时间:2019-01-08 19:20
[Abstract]:Vocabulary plays an important role in the process of language learning, especially in the learning of second language. In my teaching practice, the author finds that the size of vocabulary directly affects students' listening, speaking and reading. From the point of view of the basic situation of my school, the students' English foundation is poor, and their vocabulary is even less, which seriously affects the students' English proficiency. Most students can not recognize and memorize the vocabulary they have learned, and they do not use vocabulary learning strategies in the process of vocabulary learning. Therefore, this paper studies the vocabulary cognitive strategies of the students in the experimental class by questionnaire and experimental methods, and instructs the students to use effective vocabulary learning strategies in the context. It instructs students to use vocabulary learning strategies to find out vocabulary memory methods according to their own memory characteristics, so as to gain the ability to learn vocabulary autonomously. On the basis of context theory and lexical cognitive strategies, the present study provides guidance to students in lexical cognitive strategies. Taking the students of two parallel classes in Grade 3 as the research object, the author adopts the traditional vocabulary teaching method for the control class and the vocabulary cognitive strategy teaching for the experimental class. And the experimental class students conducted two questionnaires. The first time is in the early stage of the study, deeply understand the current situation of students using vocabulary learning strategies, found that students learn vocabulary before the experiment in the process of using a small number of strategies, the use of mechanical memory. On this basis, the experiment of vocabulary cognitive strategy teaching in the experimental class is carried out to study whether vocabulary cognitive strategies can effectively improve the students' ability to use vocabulary learning strategies in the context. The second is to find out whether there are any changes in the use of vocabulary learning strategies after teaching vocabulary cognitive strategies by means of a questionnaire survey at the end of the experiment. The results show that after a term of training in vocabulary cognitive strategies, students can use vocabulary cognitive strategies in context. This paper evaluates the teaching of vocabulary cognitive strategies in context, including the vocabulary test before and after the experiment and the comprehensive English proficiency test. The results of pre-test and post-test in the experimental class and the control class were analyzed by using the statistical software SPSS17.0. The results showed that the scores of the experimental class were significantly higher than those of the control class in terms of vocabulary test and comprehensive English proficiency test. This indicates that applying vocabulary cognitive strategies to senior high school vocabulary teaching is helpful to improve the effect of high school English teaching. In addition, teachers should pay attention to cultivating students' awareness of using vocabulary cognitive strategies in the context of cognitive strategy teaching, and try to correct students' bad English learning habits, so that cognitive strategy teaching in context can be carried out smoothly.


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