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发布时间:2019-01-09 09:35
【摘要】:感谢应答在人们的日常社交生活中扮演十分重要的角色,其内在机制为减少人们接受感谢后心理上的不平衡感,因此也被称为imbalance reducer after thanks(IRAT)(Bieswanger,2015)。随着变异语用学的新兴发展,感谢应答言语行为成为关注的热点之一,但目前该领域内的研究主要集中在内圈英语国家,如英国、美国、爱尔兰和加拿大,缺乏对非内圈国家英语变体的研究。本文基于Schneider(2005)和Bieswanger(2015)的理论框架,对香港英语和菲律宾英语中的感谢应答语进行系统性的实证研究,旨在填补感谢应答研究在亚洲国家(地区)英语变体的空白。该研究结合社会语言学的调查问卷法和参与观察法采集语料,在香港地区和菲律宾首都马里拉进行田野调查,200名受访者提供了619份感谢应答语的数据。通过对比分析,探讨了感谢应答语在这两种英语变体中存在的共性和差异。此外,考虑到殖民历史背景,研究结果将与相关文献的研究结果进行对比分析,以分别检验在感谢应答语的使用方面,香港英语与英国英语,菲律宾英语与美国英语的近似程度。本次研究还发现,香港英语中存在一个新的感谢应答语类型DON’T THANK ME,菲律宾英语中存在一个具有民族特色的辅助成分Take care,两种英语变体都存在一个亚洲特色的内在修饰语No。
[Abstract]:Thanks response plays a very important role in people's daily social life, and its internal mechanism is to reduce the psychological imbalance after people accept thanks, so it is also called imbalance reducer after thanks (IRAT) (Bieswanger,2015. With the development of mutational pragmatics, thanks to the speech act of response has become one of the hot topics. However, the research in this field is mainly focused on English speaking countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Ireland and Canada. There is a lack of research on the English variants of non-inner-circle countries. Based on the theoretical framework of Schneider (2005) and Bieswanger (2015), this paper makes a systematic and empirical study of thank-you responses in Hong Kong English and Filipino English in order to fill the gap in the study of the English varieties in Asian countries (regions). Using sociolinguistic questionnaires and participatory observation, the study conducted field surveys in Hong Kong and Mariela, the Philippine capital. 200 respondents provided data on 619 thank-you responses. Through comparative analysis, this paper explores the similarities and differences between the two English variants. In addition, taking into account the historical background of colonialism, the results of the study will be compared with the findings of relevant literature to examine the use of thank-you responses, Hong Kong English and British English, respectively. The degree of similarity between Filipino English and American English. The study also found that there is a new type of thank-you response, DON'T THANK ME, in Hong Kong English. There is a national characteristic Take care, in Filipino English. Both English variants have an Asian intrinsic modifier No.


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