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发布时间:2019-01-12 12:08
[Abstract]:With the wide application of multimedia teaching in English classroom, the emphasis on traditional blackboard teaching is decreasing day by day. The new curriculum standard puts forward new requirements for teaching. Because of its limitations, traditional blackboard writing is difficult to effectively assist teaching to meet its new requirements. Mind map is a kind of visual knowledge scaffold with equal emphasis on graph and text, which is good at expressing divergent thinking simply and effectively, and accords with the cognitive characteristics of primary school students. This study attempts to combine the mind map with the blackboard of primary school English teaching. According to the requirements of the new curriculum standard, the paper designs the thinking guide chart which is suitable for the primary school English classroom, in order to give full play to the advantages of blackboard and improve the teaching efficiency at the same time. It has a deeper influence on primary English teaching, and finally promotes the development of students and teachers. This thesis is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is an introduction, which introduces the background, purpose, significance, content and methods of this study. The second chapter is a literature review. Through combing the literature, this chapter first defines the concepts of blackboard, mind map and thinking guide schema. There are many researches on "thinking Map" in China, but there are not many studies on "thinking Map", so I choose this topic to study. Finally, the innovation of this study is put forward. The third chapter analyzes the application advantage of thinking guide schematic writing, mainly from three aspects: the advantage of thinking guide chart writing compared with traditional blackboard writing, the function in primary school English classroom teaching and its deep influence on primary school English teaching. The fourth chapter is the design of the mental guide schemata. This paper first puts forward the design premise, design principle and design method of the mental guide schematic blackboard, and then shows the concrete design case of the blackboard and explains and analyzes it. The fifth chapter is the summary and deficiency of the research. Summarize the research, put forward the deficiencies, and propose the future research direction.


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