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发布时间:2019-01-16 09:44
[Abstract]:The invisible history of man explains the definition of genetics to the reader in a simple and understandable way. This book aims to help Chinese readers understand the basic knowledge of genetics. Moreover, this paper attempts to discuss how to solve the cultural differences in the process of English-Chinese translation, so as to achieve the following results: the language expression of the target language is close to the target language reader's culture; The effect of the target text is similar to that of the source text. Under the guidance of the Nord model, this paper makes a pre-translation analysis of the source text. The Nord model consists of three steps: the functional analysis of the target language, the analysis of the source text and the translation. This paper analyzes the external and internal factors of the source language text. This paper focuses on the analysis of motivation factors, readers' factors and text function factors. At the same time, this paper analyzes the internal factors which are closely related to the text itself. The emphasis of this translation is to adjust the source language text from lexical, syntactic and textual levels. According to the language environment of the text, the translator should adjust the meaning of the vocabulary appropriately. The syntactic structure of Chinese and English is different from that of Chinese and western cultures, so the translator adjusts the syntactic structure accordingly. The adjustment of text structure focuses on the adjustment of reference, aiming at making the target language text more cohesive and coherent. It is found that the Nord model can help the translator to reduce the linguistic, conscious and cultural differences between the source and target texts in the process of translating scientific and technological texts.


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