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发布时间:2019-01-17 08:16
【摘要】:词块被认为是词汇学习最理想的单位,词块学习被认为是词汇学习最有效的方式。本研究采用定量的方法调查英语专业学生词块的运用情况以及词块的运用与英语成绩的相关性。研究对象为一所大学93名英语专业二年级学生,研究者对其两个学期的《基础英语》课程和一个学期的《基础写作》课程期末考试中的279篇作文进行词块的提取,统计每名学生的三篇作文中词块的使用数量,并收集学生的两学期《基础英语》课程期末考试的平均成绩和英语专业四级考试成绩,然后运用社会科学统计软件SPSS 19.0对收集到的数据进行分析。本论文的研究问题是:(1)英语专业学生词块运用的情况如何?(2)英语专业学生词块的运用与英语成绩是否存在相关性?通过研究得出以下结论:第一,英语专业学生词块的运用情况是比较满意的。总的来说,他们在作文中使用了较多的词块。从词块的使用类型上看,学生使用最多的是短语架构词块,其次是句子架构词块,再次是聚合词词块,使用最少的则是惯用语词块。英语成绩高低分组学生词块的运用情况对比显示,高分组学生使用的词块比低分组学生多。高分组学生使用句子构架词块和短语构架词块的比例高于低分组学生,而低分组学生使用聚合词词块和惯用语词块的比例高于高分组学生。第二,词块的运用与英语成绩之间呈高度正相关,即词块的使用数量越多,英语成绩越高。以上结论对英语词块学习和教学具有一定的启示,教师应鼓励学生增强词块意识,提高词块能力,给学生创造更多运用词块的机会。教学大纲和教材的编写增加词块知识。
[Abstract]:Lexical chunks are considered to be the most ideal units for vocabulary learning, and lexical chunks learning is considered to be the most effective way to learn vocabulary. The present study investigates the use of lexical chunks in English majors and the correlation between lexical chunks and English achievement. The subjects of the study were 93 sophomores majoring in English from a university. The researchers extracted 279 compositions from the final examinations of the basic English course and the basic Writing course in two semesters and one semester respectively. The number of lexical chunks used in each of the students' three compositions was counted, and the average scores of the final examination of basic English course and the scores of CET-4 were collected. Then the social science statistical software SPSS 19.0 is used to analyze the collected data. The research questions in this thesis are as follows: (1) what is the use of lexical chunks among English majors? (2) is there a correlation between the use of lexical chunks and English achievement? The conclusions are as follows: first, the usage of lexical chunks of English majors is satisfactory. In general, they used more chunks in their compositions. In terms of the types of lexical chunks, the most frequently used lexical chunks are phrasal lexical chunks, followed by sentence lexical chunks, then aggregate lexical chunks, and the least used idiomatic lexical chunks. The comparison of the use of lexical chunks among students with high and low scores shows that the students in the high score group use more lexical chunks than those in the lower groups. In the high score group, the proportion of sentence and phrase structure chunks was higher than that of the low group students, while the proportion of the low group students using the aggregate word chunks and idiom chunks was higher than that of the high score group students. Secondly, the use of lexical chunks is highly positively correlated with English achievement, that is, the more lexical chunks are used, the higher their English scores are. The above conclusions have some implications for the learning and teaching of English lexical chunks. Teachers should encourage students to enhance their awareness of lexical chunks, improve their ability of lexical chunks, and create more opportunities for students to use lexical chunks. The compilation of syllabus and teaching materials increases the knowledge of lexical chunks.


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