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发布时间:2019-01-20 14:44
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of agriculture in China, tea planting technology and processing technology have been greatly improved. With the improvement of tea quality, tea export has become an important part of foreign exchange income. However, at present, there is a lack of effective guidance in the translation of tea packaging in our country. Many translators are not familiar with some of the specialized words of tea, and there will be various problems in the process of actual translation. These problems mainly include: grammatical errors. Mechanical translation, lack of cultural connotation and other issues. Translation problems directly affect the export and sale of tea. In view of the above problems, translation must be based on the characteristics of the English language and the culture of the exporting country. In order to ensure the accuracy and scientific translation.
【作者单位】: 咸阳师范学院;


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