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发布时间:2019-01-19 17:31
【摘要】:在经济全球化和文化交流日益频繁的环境下,中国文化典籍英译文本为不同文明之间的对话和交流架起了一座桥梁。自20世纪70年代后期,国际学术界出现了一股如火如荼的道教研究热潮,部分道教经籍被翻译成英文。美国汉学家和道教学者孔丽维(Livia Kohn)创作了大量关于神秘主义、神话、道德和身体修炼的书籍,还编辑了很多概括介绍道教的综合书籍。其研究成果《宇宙与教团:道教的伦理维度》涵盖了她对道教社团组织管理模式的研究,书后附有她翻译的11篇道教戒律文本。本文拟从德国功能学派翻译理论“目的论”的角度探析孔丽维在《宇宙与教团:道教的伦理维度》中11篇道教戒律英译时所使用的翻译策略和技巧。笔者认为,作为一个严谨的道教学者,孔丽维深知中外文化之差异,在翻译道教戒律文本时,极其注意避免因文化差异而出现的误译,这对指导中国学者做好道教海外传播有较大的借鉴意义。文章分为四部分,第一章简要阐述了本论文的研究背景,介绍了孔丽维的学术背景和其创作的道教书籍。第二章系统介绍了翻译目的论的四个发展阶段和汉斯·弗米尔(Hans J.Vermeer)的目的论三大法则。第三章结合法律文本特点分析了道教戒律的语言特征,并从目的论三大法则的视角通过实例论证了道教戒律英译文本中译者所采用的主要的翻译策略和技巧。第四章是本文的结论部分。本文在目的论三大原则的指导下系统分析孔丽维的道教戒律英译文本,旨在帮助中国读者了解西方道教研究的不同视角,也希望人们更加关注中国文化典籍译介效果的重要性,对中国文化更好地走向国外有着积极的现实意义。
[Abstract]:Under the environment of economic globalization and cultural exchange, the English translation of Chinese cultural classics has built a bridge for the dialogue and exchange among different civilizations. Since the late 1970s, there has been a hot wave of Taoist studies in the international academic circles. Some Taoist classics have been translated into English. American sinologist and Taoist scholar Kong Liwei (Livia Kohn) has written a large number of books on mysticism mythology morality and physical training and edited many comprehensive books on Taoism. "Universe and order: the Ethical Dimension of Taoism" covers her research on the mode of organization and management of Taoist associations, with 11 texts of Taoist precepts translated by her at the end of the book. This paper attempts to explore the translation strategies and techniques used by Kong Liwei in the translation of 11 Taoist precepts from the perspective of Skopos theory of the German functional school in Universe and order: ethical Dimension of Taoism. The author believes that as a rigorous Taoist scholar, Kong Liwei is well aware of the cultural differences between China and foreign countries. In translating Taoist precepts, he pays great attention to avoiding the misinterpretation caused by cultural differences. It is of great significance to guide Chinese scholars to spread Taoism abroad. This paper is divided into four parts. The first chapter briefly describes the research background of this paper, introduces the academic background of Kong Liwei and his Taoist books. Chapter two systematically introduces the four stages of Skopos theory and Hans J.Vermeer 's Skopos theory. Chapter three analyzes the linguistic characteristics of Taoist precepts according to the characteristics of legal texts and demonstrates the main translation strategies and techniques adopted by translators in the translation of Taoist commandments from the perspective of Skopos Theory. Chapter four is the conclusion of this paper. Under the guidance of the three principles of teleology, this paper systematically analyzes the translated texts of Kong Liwei's Taoist precepts in order to help Chinese readers understand the different perspectives of Western Taoist studies, and also hopes that people will pay more attention to the importance of translating and introducing Chinese cultural classics. It has positive practical significance for Chinese culture to go abroad.


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1 雷铭;;孔丽维与道教经籍译介[J];华西语文学刊;2014年01期

2 刘玲娣;司梦囡;;美国学者利维亚·科恩的道教研究[J];湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版);2014年04期

3 孙亦平;;论福永光司的道教研究[J];杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版);2013年03期

4 卢睿蓉;;美国的中国道教研究之管窥[J];宗教学研究;2011年02期

5 张全晓;王少儒;;全球视野下的国际道教研究——第五届国际道教学术研讨会综述[J];宗教学研究;2009年04期

6 曾传辉;;2000-07年美国道教研究成果评介[J];世界宗教文化;2008年02期

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1 唐怡;道教戒律研究[D];四川大学;2006年

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2 王春允;功能翻译理论指导下的法律文本英译探究[D];上海师范大学;2012年




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