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发布时间:2019-01-19 13:18
[Abstract]:Objective: to provide reference for improving the teaching quality of Pharmaceutical English in higher vocational education. Methods: to perfect the implementation plan from the aspects of perfecting the curriculum setting, optimizing the teaching staff and selecting the teaching cases, and applying the case teaching mode from the aspects of exploring new knowledge before class, internalizing new knowledge in class, consolidating new knowledge after class, etc. And establish a scientific evaluation system to evaluate the learning situation of students. Results: the ways of perfecting the implementation plan included adjusting the ratio of class hours of "Public English" to "Pharmaceutical English" was 2: 1, and adopting various measures and channels to train medical English teachers. To perfect the implementation plan by compiling "Pharmaceutical English case" in combination with the specific situation of "Medical English in higher Vocational Education"; The application of case teaching model includes group preparation before class, teacher-led learning in class, writing case summary report after class, and the multi-dimensional scientific evaluation system can objectively reflect the learning situation of students. Conclusion: adopting the case teaching mode can cultivate students' autonomous learning ability and teamwork spirit, improve their learning enthusiasm and oral level, and promote teachers' self-improvement.
【作者单位】: 盐城卫生职业技术学院;
【基金】:江苏省社科应用研究精品工程课题(No.15SYC-077) 江苏高校品牌专业建设工程资助项目(No.PPZY2015A097) 盐城市2016年度市政府社科奖励基金项目(No.16szfsk B30)


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