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发布时间:2019-01-28 11:59
[Abstract]:In recent years, tourism, as an important part of the tertiary industry, is developing rapidly in all countries of the world. This phenomenon is particularly common in China, where more and more foreign tourists come to explore its profound culture and long history. The accompanying interpretation plays a very important role in the communication between tour guides and foreign tourists. As a bridge of communication, excellent accompanying interpretation can bring tourists a better tourism experience. Therefore, it is imperative to study the accompanying interpretation of scenic spots. This importance has begun to attract the attention of some outstanding scholars and translators. They have carried out research from various angles, which has provided great support for the writing of this practical report. From the perspective of German Skopos, this paper studies the practical content of Xi'an scenic spot escort interpretation. In order to study and solve the problems in the process of practice, the author collected a number of tourist attractions in Xi'an brief information, making the article more practical significance. The purpose of this report is to answer the following questions: 1) what are the different purposes of tour guides, translators and tourists in different situations? 2) when untranslatable words or expressions are encountered in the course of interpretation, How to make an appropriate choice under the guidance of Skopos Theory? This paper is a practical report on Xi'an escort interpreting, which is accepted by the author in Xi'an in July 2016. The client is an American tourist visiting China and his duties are accompanied interpretation. This paper selects the accompanying interpretation process of several famous scenic spots in Xi'an as the content of the report, narrates the author's interpretation practice, the methods to deal with the problems and the post-translation reflection. The practice report focuses on pre-translation preparation, on-the-spot accompanying interpretation process and post-translation introspection. First of all, through the collection of materials to demonstrate the preparation of the translation; Secondly, by expounding the author's whole interpretation content, the author presents to readers several practical problems encountered in the process of interpreting, such as untranslatable proper nouns, long term memory of interpreters, high density of information, cultural differences and unpredictability. Finally, through post-translation reflection, some techniques and methods are summarized, including inquiry, imitation, vague generalization, ellipsis, free translation, literal translation and supplementary explanation. After the translation practice, the author summarizes the above two questions and draws the corresponding conclusions. First, the translation purposes involved in this translation practice are as follows: to ensure smooth conversation and exchange, to promote the purchase behavior between tourists and vendors, to cooperate with the tour guide Xiao Li, and to complete the tour trip better, and so on. Second, when confronted with untranslatable words or expressions, or historical and cultural barriers, religious barriers, slang barriers and accent barriers in interpreting, interpreters should still take full account of the background of language communication and make the choice of the best translation strategies. In this translation practice, the author should use the most frequently used translation strategies, such as inquiry, supplementary explanation and transliteration. The author hopes that the introduction and report of his own practice can provide an entirely new perspective to other interpreters engaged in interpreting industry to choose translation strategies, as well as help and draw lessons from other interpreters engaged in domestic escort interpreting. At the same time, the author hopes to provide and accumulate more practical experience for the researchers in the field of accompanying interpretation, so as to promote the development of the research in this field.


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