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发布时间:2019-02-14 07:46
【摘要】:作为旅游景点中的重要推介手段,景点简介文本翻译受到学界的广泛关注,其中也不乏从系统功能语言学的角度(SFL)进行旅游文本翻译的研究。但是在目前,从旅游文本的评价意义角度进行的翻译研究数量有限,而评价意义的实现,恰恰是旅游文本翻译中非常重要的—环,有很大的研究意义和必要性。但是在之前的研究中,一直缺少对于评价意义这一复杂领域进行分析的有效工具。Martin注意到了这方面的空白,针对于系统功能语言学下的人际意义进一步扩展,提出了评价系统(Appraisal System)。在过去近20年的发展中,该理论体系逐步完善,并广泛应用于话语分析,文学评论以及翻译研究等领域。本研究以Martin和White(2005)的评价理论(Appraisal Theory)为主要的理论框架和分析工具,开展语料库对比研究。以定性分析和定量分析相结合的方式,将所选的20篇中文景点简介(ST)和相应的英语译文(TT)从评价资源分布和评价意义实现等角度进行分析。通过语料库对比分析,本研究发现原文和译文在整体的评价资源分布上趋于一致,但是在部分资源的数量和比重上有较大差异,如在“态度”资源中,译文在负面“情感”资源上略多于原文;在“极差”资源中,原文在“语势”(Force)资源的数量上远远多于译文;在“介入”资源方面,译文当中采用的“借言”数量多于原文。通过评价资源的分布情况,可以看出译文整体上实现了原文的评价意义,但是在上述几种资源的翻译中,存在差异。基于此,本文作者重点从这几点差异上入手,以例句分析的方式,讨论了译文当中评价意义合理实现和对其不当处理的情况,并从评价意义和旅游宣传效果的层面对于译文给出了评估和建议。本研究揭示出了中文原文和英文译文在评价资源上的分布差异,并对于如何实现原文的评价意义给出了建议和分析。同时本文也检验了评价理论在旅游类文本翻译和分析中的适用性以及有效性。希望本研究能为评价理论在旅游文本翻译和分析中的应用提供一定的借鉴意义,同时也能为旅游类文本翻译研究提供新的视角。
[Abstract]:As an important means of promoting tourist attractions, the text translation of scenic spots has received extensive attention in the academic world, and there is also a lot of research on tourism text translation from the perspective of systemic functional linguistics (SFL). However, at present, the number of translation studies from the perspective of tourism text evaluation is limited, and the realization of evaluation meaning is very important in tourism text translation, which has great significance and necessity. But in previous studies, there has been a lack of effective tools to analyze the complex field of evaluative meaning. Martin has noticed the gaps in this area, aiming at the further expansion of interpersonal meaning in systemic functional linguistics. The evaluation system (Appraisal System). Is proposed. In the past 20 years, the theoretical system has been gradually improved and widely used in the fields of discourse analysis, literary criticism and translation studies. Based on the evaluation theory (Appraisal Theory) of Martin and White (2005) as the main theoretical framework and analysis tool, the comparative study of corpus is carried out. By combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, the (ST) of 20 selected Chinese scenic spots and the corresponding English translation (TT) are analyzed from the perspective of the distribution of evaluation resources and the realization of evaluation significance. By corpus-based comparative analysis, it is found that the distribution of evaluation resources between the original text and the target text tends to be consistent, but there are great differences in the quantity and proportion of some resources, such as "attitude" resources. In negative "emotion" resources, the translation is slightly more than the original; In "extremely poor" resources, the number of (Force) resources in the original text is much more than that in the translation, and in the "intervention" resources, the number of "borrowed words" in the translation is more than that in the original. Through the distribution of the evaluation resources, we can see that the translation has realized the evaluation meaning of the original text as a whole, but there are some differences in the translation of the above mentioned resources. Based on this, the author focuses on these differences and discusses the reasonable realization and improper handling of the evaluation meaning in the translation by way of example sentence analysis. At the same time, it gives the evaluation and suggestions on the translation from the aspects of evaluation significance and tourism publicity effect. The present study reveals the differences in the distribution of evaluation resources between the Chinese and English versions, and gives some suggestions and analyses on how to realize the evaluation significance of the original text. At the same time, this paper also tests the applicability and validity of evaluation theory in tourism text translation and analysis. It is hoped that this study can provide some reference for the application of evaluation theory in tourism text translation and analysis, and also provide a new perspective for the study of tourism text translation.


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