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发布时间:2019-02-16 11:46
[Abstract]:Tea Classic has unique and strong artistic aesthetic value, reflected in its thought and content, accurately expresses tea science technology and related information, and is the core book of tea culture in our country. In translating the Tea Classic, the translator should have the aim of spreading the traditional tea culture of our country to the countries all over the world. As a book, the Tea Classic embodies the simplicity, the beauty of the picture and the beauty of the form and color of the tea. It embodies the artistic aesthetics and artistic conception accomplishment of Chinese tea culture and conveys feelings from the whole angle of view. This paper first analyzes the characteristics and aesthetic implications of the Tea Classic, then expounds the aesthetic translation strategies of the Cha Jing, and finally discusses the aesthetic value of translation from the perspective of the English translation of the Tea Classic. Hope to be able to contribute to related areas.
【作者单位】: 广州医科大学基础学院外语教研室;


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