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发布时间:2019-02-22 14:30
[Abstract]:According to the theory of continuity, language is learned through continuity, and learning efficiency is realized through continuity. This theory not only provides a new angle of view for understanding the mechanism of language acquisition, but also provides a new entry point for deepening the study of language acquisition, and provides an operational method for improving the quality and efficiency of language teaching and learning. This paper combs the early evolution process from "promoting learning by writing" to "promoting learning by continuing", reveals the background of the development of continuation theory, further analyzes the mechanism and efficacy of "continuing", and highlights its theoretical value. One of the outstanding contributions of the theory of continuation is that it promotes the study of interaction. While affirming the interaction to promote learning, it points out that the interaction is maintained by "continuation", and that there is no interaction without "continuation", and that interaction promotes learning by "continuing".
【作者单位】: 广东外语外贸大学;


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