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发布时间:2019-02-22 19:45
[Abstract]:With the increasing of international communication and the rapid development of aviation industry, cross-cultural communication ability has become the core competence of flight attendants, which is an important goal of the training of flight attendants in vocational colleges. How to effectively cultivate the students' cross-cultural communicative competence is a difficult problem in cross-cultural teaching in higher vocational colleges. Based on the current situation of development and the connotation and composition of intercultural communicative competence, this paper expounds the necessity of cultivating intercultural communicative competence. This paper analyzes the problems and causes in the process of cultivating the cross-cultural communicative competence of the flight attendants in higher vocational colleges, and puts forward corresponding strategies to promote the cultivation of cross-cultural communicative competence of the students majoring in flight attendants in higher vocational colleges. Train high quality flight attendants for the society.
【作者单位】: 江西制造职业技术学院;


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