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发布时间:2019-03-02 08:37
[Abstract]:Uighur is one of the most ethnic minorities in Xinjiang. Their unique language environment and special cultural atmosphere have created their unique language learning characteristics. Attributive clauses have attracted the attention of linguists because of their unique syntactic structure, universality of existence and high frequency of use. Researchers at home and abroad have discussed the problem from many angles, put forward a variety of hypotheses, and made corresponding explanations. However, the acquisition of attributive clauses in English trilingual Uyghur students is rarely found through retrieval. Therefore, this study takes 50 Uighur college students who are non-English majors in a university in Xinjiang as the subjects, and uses four tests: Chinese-English translation, sentence merging, English-Chinese translation and grammatical judgment, which are supported by the interview method. To explore the acquisition of attributive clauses among Uighur college students. The main study of the following three issues: 1. What is the difficulty level for Xinjiang Uygur college students to understand and produce English attributive clauses? Do they acquire clauses at the same level as the noun phrase accessibility level hypothesis and perception difficulty hypothesis? 2. This paper analyzes the errors of Uighur college students in the test of comprehension and output, and explores the main reasons for them to make mistakes? (3) what are the main reasons for the errors in Uighur college students? How to improve the English attributive clause acquisition accuracy of Xinjiang Uygur college students? Research findings: 1. When Uighur college students understand and produce English attributive clauses, the difficulty level is not consistent with the reachability level hypothesis of noun phrase, but it is completely consistent with the perception difficulty hypothesis. The subjects showed different difficulty levels in the acquisition of attributive clauses. 2. For trilingual learners who are native speakers of Uygur language, there are reserved pronouns, non-contiguous pronouns, incorrect relational pronouns and improper omissions of relational pronouns in the process of acquisition of English attributive clauses. Omit six types of errors in the mixed use of antecedents and attributive clauses. Based on the interviews, it is found that due to the differences in syntactic structure among English, Chinese and Uyghur languages, the subjects will be transferred by their mother tongue and second language when they acquire attributive clauses. The attributive clauses of the three languages have a long psychological distance, and they will avoid using attributive clauses. This study has the following suggestions and countermeasures on the teaching and acquisition of English attributive clauses for Uygur students: teachers pay attention to systematic teaching of English attributive clauses in teaching practice, pay attention to the contrast of syntactic structure differences among the three languages in teaching, and the teachers pay attention to the systematic teaching of English attributive clauses in teaching practice. We should increase comprehensible input and output, implement hierarchical teaching and evaluation system according to students' differences and needs, improve teaching methods of clause, pay attention to learners' differences and improve learners' learning strategies and interests. Constantly improve the level of Chinese, improve the level of awareness of Chinese.


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