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发布时间:2019-03-03 15:21
[Abstract]:This paper first briefly explains the functional translation theory and its principles, and makes a concrete analysis of the current situation of English translation of abstracts of tea science and technology papers. Finally, it puts forward the corresponding strategies for English translation. I hope it will be helpful to the academic exchanges in the field of tea science. The translation principles from the perspective of functional translation theory mainly include the principle of purpose, the principle of faithfulness and the principle of coherence. At present, there are three problems in the translation of abstract of tea science and technology papers, such as the inconsistency of professional terms, the poor readability of translation and the inconsistency of professional terms, the poor readability of translation, and the non-conformity of the translation with the habit of English expression. From the perspective of functional translation theory, the strategies for translating abstracts of tea science and technology papers are mainly as follows: literal translation is dominant and free translation is auxiliary; passive sentences are often used in accordance with the target language expression habits; and grammar is correct and terminology is unified.
【作者单位】: 呼和浩特职业学院外国语学院;


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