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发布时间:2019-03-08 11:55
[Abstract]:Reading is the core element of foreign language comprehensive competence, which has always occupied a crucial position in Chinese students' foreign language learning. In terms of teaching content, reading comprehension accounts for a very large proportion of English teaching content in senior high schools, while reading comprehension scores account for nearly 1/3 of the total scores of all kinds of English test papers in terms of test weight. The reform of English college entrance examination in recent years strives to return to subject-based, which further highlights the important position of reading in foreign language learning. All provinces of the college entrance examination new type of reading skills requirements unabated. However, in the current high school English reading teaching, we have found a lot of problems to be solved. The main performance is 1) the awareness of using reading strategies is weak. 2) the effect of reading strategies is poor. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop reading strategy training for senior high school students to really improve their reading ability and help students adapt to the transformation of the new college entrance examination. This study tries to solve two research problems. Question one: how about the overall reading level of senior one students and the current situation of using reading strategies? Question 2: have students' reading proficiency been improved through the training of reading strategies? This research adopts the comprehensive research method. 1) uses the literature analysis method to discuss the connotation, the classification and the domestic and foreign research present situation of the key words related to this subject. 2) around the research question one, adopts the questionnaire investigation method, the interview method and the test method, The purpose of this paper is to describe the general situation of the use of reading strategies in senior high school students. 3) focusing on the second question of research, the training of corresponding reading strategies is carried out in view of the deficiencies in the use of reading strategies of students. After strategy training, questionnaire method and test method were used to investigate the change of students' reading strategy usage level before and after reading strategy training. 4) SPSS was used as the data analysis tool of test and questionnaire in this study. For the interview data, the generic analysis is used to extract the views and conclusions which have a high degree of generalization. This study explores the correlation between reading strategy teaching and reading achievement. Through the collection and analysis of research data, we can find that reading strategy training has a positive effect on the improvement of students' reading level. The main findings are as follows: 1) Senior one students can be aware of the important role of reading and have a more positive attitude towards learning, but the sense of strategy is weak and the use of strategies is single; 2) developing reading strategies can improve students' reading level, help students to improve the awareness and frequency of key cognitive strategies, and improve the level of metacognitive strategies of students. Because the author's level is limited and the research object is limited, there are still many limitations in this study. It is hoped that this study can be used as a useful attempt to explore the reform of reading teaching under the background of the reform of college entrance examination, and provide reference and reference for the theory and practice of reading teaching in senior high school.


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