[Abstract]:This translation practice material is drawn from chapter V of Translation in Global News (, International News Translation, by leading British scholars Susan Basnet and Esperanza Bielsa: news and Translation: the Business of News organizations. Strategy and value elements. This chapter discusses the relevant business, specific strategies and values of different news organizations, two different translation models and journalists' own views and opinions. According to Newmark text theory analysis, this translation practice text belongs to the information type text. Under the guidance of Eugene Nida's "functional equivalence" theory, we adopt the strategies of literal translation and free translation, and use the choice of meaning, extension, and addition of words. Translation and other methods strive to make the translation in line with the target language readers' language habits and enhance readability. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction of the project. This paper briefly summarizes the background, purpose and significance of this project. The second part is the process of translation. Mainly pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation improvement. The third part is the theoretical framework. This text is information text, and the theory of functional equivalence is used to guide text translation. The fourth part is the case analysis. The problems encountered in the process of translation are analyzed and classified, and the corresponding translation methods are adopted. The fifth part is the summary of the project. Take translation practice as an example, summarize translation experience and deficiency.
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