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发布时间:2019-03-11 09:00
[Abstract]:Marinowski is the founder of the social anthropology, the founder of the functional school and the founder of the ethnographic method of the field. His is the world's leading national chronicle, which mainly describes a special exchange system, and introduces a series of unique customs beliefs, witchcraft myths, economic life and technical knowledge. As the writing method of the national spirit, the cultural description has been fully used in the navigation of the Western Pacific. The teleology refers to the translation theory of the German function, which was produced in the 1970s in the 1970s, in which Kathleen Rice, Hans Fir, Jasta Hoz-Mantauri, and Cristina Nord are the main representative. The teleology has three principles: the purpose principle, the coherent principle and the faithful principle. Among them, the principle of purpose is the primary principle of the translation activity, and the principle of coherence and the principle of the faithful are all from the principle of purpose. Based on the theory of teleology, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the translation of the culture description in the two Chinese versions of the Western Pacific navigators, and discusses the reasons for the success or failure of the translation. This paper makes a comparative study on the cultural description of the exchange of goods, sorcery, canoe and navigation in the Chinese translation, and analyses the expression of the three principles of the teleology in the translation process. The research has found that both versions can be adjusted to a certain extent according to the purpose of translation, and abide by the principles of coherence and fidelity. However, in the course of the analysis, this paper also finds some unsatisfactory places in the two versions, the author thinks that the reason for these problems is two: one, the translator's own language ability is not enough, and the other is the lack of the translator's subject's knowledge.


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