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发布时间:2019-03-19 14:35
[Abstract]:The writing is the touchstone to test the second language learning effect, and the quality of the writing can be improved by the richness of the vocabulary, especially the prefabricated chunks, and the richness of the vocabulary not only reflects the depth and breadth of the learners' use of the vocabulary, but also reflects the overall language application ability of the learners. In theory, with the deepening of the second language learning, the richness of the vocabulary in the writing of the students can be developed, but the development of the lexical competence is specific, and the concrete relation between the development of the vocabulary and the quality of the English composition is still to be explored further. Based on the background of the students' writing in higher vocational colleges, through the self-built corpus, the author analyses and studies the 120 pieces of the same-topic composition created by the 30 higher vocational students during the period of one to three years, and reveals the development law of the richness of the composition in the course of English learning. In ord to provide reference and reference for English vocabulary teaching.
【作者单位】: 上饶师范学院外国语学院;


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