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发布时间:2019-03-20 09:27
[Abstract]:Eco-translatology focuses on the adaptive choice of the translator's subject to the translation environment and the multi-dimensional ecological consideration of the translation strategy in the process of translation. The different pragmatic characteristics of English and Chinese tourism texts make the adaptive choice of translation strategies especially necessary. This paper discusses the importance of tourism text translation to cultural communication and the adaptability of eco-translation to tourism translation, and makes a contrastive analysis of the differences in pragmatic features between English and Chinese tourism texts, finally from the linguistic perspective. In order to provide a new perspective for the translation practice and theoretical study of tourism texts, the cultural and communicative dimensions have explained the choice of translation strategies in a multi-dimensional and ecological way in order to provide a new perspective for the translation of tourism texts.
【作者单位】: 连云港师范高等专科学校外语与商务学院;


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