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发布时间:2019-03-20 09:49
[Abstract]:Using the critical discourse analysis perspective of dialectical cognitive theory for reference, this study uses the multi-modal corpus of English classroom teaching in domestic colleges and universities to reveal the partner gestures in teacher-supported dialogue by means of quantitative extraction and binary regression analysis. The interactive characteristics of turn type and stent strategy and the influence of these three kinds of cooperation on the effect of scaffolds. The results showed that the type and frequency of gestures (especially the deixis and pragmatic gestures) were the most and the success rate was high in the stents. The use frequency of "question class" and "explanation class" strategy in stent strategy is higher, in which the former can promote the success of stents in coordination with gesture, while the latter has a negative effect on the use of "question class" and "explanation class" strategy. The binary regression analysis also found that gesture type, turn type and stents strategy all had significant influence on the effect of stents. Among them, the frequency of gesture usage in Stent-like turn has a significant positive effect on the effect of Stent. The use of "question strategy" will also affect the effectiveness of the stent. On the other hand, "manipulation gesture" and "explanation strategy" had a significant negative effect on the stent effect.
【作者单位】: 广东工业大学外国语学院;华南师范大学外国语学院;


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