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发布时间:2019-03-21 08:27
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of globalization and the continuous opening-up of China to the outside world, the exchange of trade and culture between China and other countries is becoming more and more frequent. At this time, the importance of legal translation is highlighted. Not only national laws and regulations, but also the translation of local laws and regulations are of great significance to the development of the provinces. This report is a practical report taking Hebei Province Special equipment Safety Supervision regulations and Hebei Civil Airport clearance and electromagnetic Environmental Protection measures as examples. In this report, the author mainly discusses the translation strategies of local texts. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the description of translation tasks, which mainly describes the importance and significance of legal translation, the current situation of legal translation and the introduction of translation projects. The second chapter is pre-translation preparation, including text analysis, related materials and translation aids preparation. The third chapter is the central part of this report, mainly from the lexical and syntactic aspects of the problem and specific solutions. On the lexical level, it analyzes the context translation of general vocabulary, the omission or interpretation of Chinese category words, the substitution of macro-vocabulary and the part-of-speech transformation of legal English vocabulary. On the syntactic level, this paper discusses the addition translation of omitted sentences, passive translation of non-subject sentences, contrastive translation of imperative sentences, infinitive translation of semantic progressive sentences and three-step logical translation of complex long sentences. The fourth chapter is the last chapter of this report, mainly to summarize the translation practice and enlighten the future. Through this translation practice, the author summarizes the translation strategies of some local laws and regulations. In order to provide some reference for other translators in dealing with such translation problems.


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