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发布时间:2019-03-23 15:23
[Abstract]:This paper introduces the implementation process and method of Phonetics & intonation contest, and analyzes and discusses the effect of Phonetics contest on innovative phonetics teaching and promoting students' learning of English phonetics by applying the method of application research. It is pointed out that the teaching and evaluation of phonetics should be improved as follows: 1) emphasize the development of students' cognitive ability; 2) embody the humanistic concern of phonological evaluation; 3) attach importance to the anti-dialing effect of phonetics teaching and learning; 4) cultivate and test students' ability to use phonological knowledge in real and meaningful communication. The research has opened up a new train of thought and provided a new perspective for the reform of phonetics teaching and evaluation system in our country under the new situation.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学;


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