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发布时间:2019-03-24 13:41
【摘要】:随着社会和科技的发展,大数据已成为商业运作中不可或缺的一部分。企业可通过大数据迅速精准地分析客户信息和偏好,以期制定相应的营销策略,在当前竞争激烈的市场中取得胜利。本文是一篇翻译项目报告。原文为迈克尔·D·史密斯(Michael D.Smith)和拉胡尔·特朗(Rahul Telang)合著的《流播、共享、窃取:大数据和娱乐业的未来》(Streaming,Sharing,Stealing:Big Data and the Future of Entertainment)一书,译者从中选取第三章作为翻译项目进行翻译。本项目以功能对等为指导理论,旨在使原文信息更易懂,有助于读者的理解。在翻译过程中,译者遇到的翻译难点主要包括长难句和被动语态,并相应地运用了直译、分译、和语态转换的方法,使目标文本更具可读性。本翻译报告分为四大部分:第一部分引言主要介绍翻译项目的背景、目标、意义和结构;第二部分针对原文背景和作者,围绕原文的版本、内容、文本类型和语言特征展开介绍;第三部分是该翻译报告的主要部分,包括翻译难点、准备工作以及翻译方法。第四部分是总结部分,归纳了译者通过本次翻译任务得到的翻译教训,以及仍待解决的问题。
[Abstract]:With the development of society and science and technology, big data has become an indispensable part of business operation. Enterprises can quickly and accurately analyze customer information and preferences through big data, with a view to formulating corresponding marketing strategies to win in the current competitive market. This paper is a translation project report. "streaming, sharing, stealing: big data and the Future of Entertainment", by Michael D.Smith D. Smith and Rahul Trent (Rahul Telang). The translator chooses the third chapter as a translation project for translation. The purpose of this project is to make the original information easier to understand and to help readers understand the theory of functional equivalence. In the process of translation, the translation difficulties encountered by the translator mainly include long difficult sentences and passive voice, and the corresponding methods of literal translation, dictation, and voice-switching are used to make the target text more readable. This translation report is divided into four parts: the first part mainly introduces the background, objective, meaning and structure of the translation project; The second part focuses on the background and author of the original text, focusing on the version, content, text types and linguistic features of the original text. The third part is the main part of the translation report, including translation difficulties, preparation and translation methods. The fourth part is the summary part, which summarizes the translation lessons learned by the translator through this translation task, as well as the problems that remain to be solved.


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3 杨大,




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