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发布时间:2019-03-28 18:45
【摘要】:随着全球化的发展,各国文化交流日益密切,翻译研究文学作品具有一定的学术价值和现实意义。本篇翻译项目报告所选用的翻译材料来自于美国作家J·D·万斯(J.D.Vance)的作品《乡下人挽歌:回忆危机中的家族及文化》(Hillbilly Elegy:A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis,2016)。这部作品是万斯的自传,隶属非小说类纪实文学的范畴。这部作品中作者回忆了自己的成长经历,深刻的自我剖析展现了美国底层白人阶级的成长生活以及精神文化状态。因此翻译研究该作品有助于中国学者进一步了解美国这一阶层的社会文化现状,具有重要的现实意义。翻译不仅要传达原文的信息,再现原文风格,更要传达出原文状态下所包含的文化背景。此次翻译实践过程中,译者以德国功能翻译派的目的论为理论指导,根据翻译目的确定翻译策略及方法,灵活运用拆译法、转换法、音译法等翻译方法来解决翻译过程中所遇到的问题和难点。译者从句子翻译和词语翻译两层面上举例分析,总结发现:句子翻译时,译者应先进行句式分析,理清句子成分及逻辑关系后再进行翻译。结构简单的短句尽量顺译;而复杂的长句则常使用拆译法,从而保证译文清晰易懂。词语翻译时,译者会根据语境和词性,选择合适的译本。对译者而言,本翻译项目既是翻译实践也是研究学习。通过此次翻译实践,译者对自传类作品翻译有了较为系统的认识,并且积累经验,汲取教训,获得启示,为今后的翻译实践提供指导。
[Abstract]:With the development of globalization, cultural exchanges among countries are getting closer and closer. Translation and study of literary works have certain academic value and practical significance. The translation materials selected for this translation project report are from the work of American writer J. D. Vance (J.D.Vance), Elegy for the Countryside: memories of families and cultures in crisis (Hillbilly Elegy:A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis,2016). This work is Vance's autobiography, belonging to the category of non-fiction documentary literature. In this work, the author recollects his growing-up experience, and his deep self-analysis shows the growing-up life and spiritual and cultural state of the white class at the bottom of the United States. Therefore, the translation study of this work is helpful for Chinese scholars to understand the social and cultural situation of this class in the United States, and it is of great practical significance. Translation should not only convey the message of the original, reproduce the style of the original, but also convey the cultural background contained in the original state. In the process of translation practice, the translator takes the Skopos theory of the German functionalist school as the theoretical guidance, determines the translation strategies and methods according to the translation purpose, and makes flexible use of the methods of deciphering and transforming. Transliteration and other translation methods to solve the problems and difficulties encountered in the process of translation. From the two levels of sentence translation and word translation, the translator gives an example and concludes that the translator should analyze the sentence pattern first, clarify the sentence elements and logical relations, and then translate the sentence. Simple short sentences are translated as smoothly as possible, while complex long sentences often use disassembly to ensure that the translation is clear and easy to understand. When translating words, the translator will choose the appropriate translation according to the context and part of speech. As far as the translator is concerned, this translation project is not only a translation practice but also a study and study. Through this translation practice, the translator has a systematic understanding of the translation of autobiographical works, and accumulates experience, draws lessons, obtains enlightenment, and provides guidance for future translation practice.


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