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发布时间:2019-03-29 11:51
[Abstract]:This paper is an English-to-Chinese translation practice report. The author is based on the translation of Jerry Bentley's historical book the meeting of Ancient countries: cross-Cultural Communication in the pre-modern period (Chapter II). This paper discusses the implications of Nida's theory of functional equivalence for the translation of historical works. First of all, the author makes a brief introduction to the translation task, the original text and the meaning of translation. Secondly, the author gives a detailed description of the translation process, including the relevant pre-translation preparation, the specific translation process and the revision of the translation, so that the reader can have a clearer understanding of the translation process. In the third chapter, the author introduces the theory of functional equivalence and its guiding significance to translation, and then summarizes the author's vocabulary through the analysis of specific cases in the fourth chapter. Long difficult sentences and cultural phenomena to deal with the translation of the text. Finally, the report summarizes the problems and strategies that need to be paid attention to in translating historical works, and puts forward some requirements for translators' abilities. Through this translation practice, the author thinks that translation of historical works requires the translator to have the following three qualities: (1) the translator should be familiar with the times and the relevant historical background of the contents of the book; (2) the translator should convey as faithfully as possible the intended meaning of the original book, including the attitude of the author; (3) for some cultural phenomena, the translator may adopt appropriate domestication strategies, so as to achieve the effect advocated by functional equivalence.


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