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发布时间:2019-04-01 13:29
[Abstract]:As we all know, agriculture and forestry colleges and universities refer to colleges and universities which are mainly specialized in agriculture and forestry. In order to improve the efficiency of agriculture and forestry products in China, it is necessary for agriculture and forestry talents to make great contributions. Esp refers to English related to a particular profession or discipline. Since China's entry into WTO, there are more and more opportunities for national academic exchanges, and more talents with good English proficiency are needed in the society. At present, China has carried out in-depth research on the ESP curriculum in higher vocational colleges, but few ESP courses have been set up in agricultural and forestry colleges. China is a big agricultural development country, and agricultural development can not be separated from scientific and technological innovation, but also without advanced technology and experience from abroad, so it is very necessary to join the ESP course in agricultural and forestry colleges and universities, and can widely improve the comprehensive quality of agricultural and forestry talents. Meet the needs of socialization.
【作者单位】: 福建农林大学文法学院;


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