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发布时间:2019-04-08 13:10
[Abstract]:Simultaneous interpretation refers to the translation of the speaker's thoughts and feelings from one language to another at an almost synchronous rate. It is a complex cognitive ability to help people of different languages and cultures communicate. In simultaneous interpretation, interpreters need to perform a number of tasks at the same time, namely, the process of hearing, understanding and translation in a short period of time, and the interpreter's energy is limited. If any link takes up too much energy, it will affect the performance of the next link, and then affect the overall quality of translation. Therefore, in simultaneous interpretation, translators need to use a number of skills to help themselves reduce stress and free up more energy to improve the quality of output. Among them, prediction is a very important simultaneous interpretation technique. Through the prediction of the speaker's speech framework, intention, language and so on, the interpreter can better grasp the speaker's logic, better understand the content of the speech in a specific context, and filter out unnecessary interference information. Thus lighten the burden of hearing and understanding. Schema is the pre-existing knowledge in the brain, is the storage unit of knowledge in the brain, and the sum of schema is the whole knowledge of a person. When the interpreter receives the information, it activates the relevant schema in the brain, which helps the interpreter to understand the speaker's purport and the direction of the speaker's speech, and to make an effective prediction of the following. This paper attempts to explore the relationship between schema and prediction and interpretation results through theoretical and experimental analysis. This paper first gives a brief introduction of prediction and schema, explains the possible impact of different types of schema on prediction, and explores the influence of background schema on the use of prediction strategies and the quality of translation through experiments. Then, through qualitative and quantitative analysis, the paper answers the question, that is, the establishment of background schema can help translators to improve the accuracy of prediction, and the quality of translation is higher.


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