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发布时间:2019-04-16 19:37
[Abstract]:There are many foreign language learners in China, especially college students, but their English proficiency is uneven. English learning motivation is one of the main factors that affect learners' English learning. Strong motivation is helpful to students' English learning. Therefore, learners' English learning motivation is one of the focuses of second language acquisition (SLA) research. Scholars at home and abroad have carried out a lot of theoretical and practical research on second language learning motivation. The research object has involved many groups, such as college students, high school students and so on, which provides a solid foundation for further research. In recent years, with the introduction and development of the "Big plane" project in China, more and more students have devoted themselves to the aviation cause of the motherland with the dream of flying for their country, which has spawned a large number of flight cadets. Although there are dreams, I regret English. Flying cadets do not require a high level of cultural achievement, resulting in a lack of a solid foundation of English. However, the English level is closely related to the occupation. On the one hand, they want to improve their English, on the other hand, because of lack of understanding of their own English learning conditions, they feel powerless and have no idea of their motivation to learn English. On the basis of domestic and foreign literature, this paper studies the motivation of 240 flight cadets randomly selected from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics by means of questionnaires and interviews. Based on the questionnaire of English Learning motivation of Senior one Rainbow (2003), this paper designs the questionnaire based on the results of the pre-test, and then forms the final questionnaire through a small scale of distribution and testing. The questionnaire data were analyzed by factor analysis, independent sample T test and correlation analysis with SPSS20.0, and the results of the questionnaire were used to conduct interviews to explore the types of English learning motivation of flying cadets. The difference of English learning motivation between the two flight modes and the correlation between English learning motivation and English achievement. Through data analysis, the results are as follows: firstly, the English learning motivation of flight cadets can be divided into: intrinsic interest motivation, achievement motivation, personal development motivation, social responsibility motivation, information media motivation and learning situation motivation. Secondly, the independent sample T test shows that there is no significant difference in English learning motivation between the "31" and "22" training modes, and the motivation is generally the same. However, the motivation intensity of the flight cadets in the "22" mode is weaker than that in the "31" mode except for the information media and achievement motivation, and the other four types of flight cadets are stronger than those in the "31" mode. Finally, the correlation analysis shows that the six types of motivation are positively correlated with English achievement, that is, the stronger the motivation is, the more beneficial it is to the improvement of English achievement. Among them, the correlation between information media motivation and social responsibility motivation is the strongest and the weakest respectively. Based on the results of the study on English learning motivation of flying cadets, this paper puts forward corresponding strategies to improve the English learning motivation of flying cadets from three aspects: themselves, teachers and teaching materials.


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