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发布时间:2019-04-18 13:45
[Abstract]:According to his rich translation practice, Professor Wang Rongpei put forward the translation theory of "conveying God and meaning". This theory originates from the theory of "writing its shape and passing on its god, achieving its meaning and preserving its truth" in Chinese ink figure painting, in which "da Yi" is the foundation of theory, and "transmission of spirit" is its essence. Professor Wang Rongpei applied the theory of Chinese painting theory to translation and advocated that "convey the spirit and get the meaning". To convey the spirit of the original works is to convey the spirit of the original, that is to say, to be loyal to the style of the original, while the word "Da Yi" is to refer to the word meaning and the metaphor meaning, that is, to be loyal to the content of the original work. Professor Wang Rongpei's theory stems from his translation practice for more than 30 years. In his translation practice of Lefu Poetry, he has carried out the theory of "conveying God and reaching meaning", which combines God's resemblance with appearance well, which not only expresses the ideological content of the original work, but also highlights the spirit and appearance of the original work, which is not only the content of the original works, but also the spirit and appearance of the original works. Professor Wang Rongpei's translation works have effectively promoted Chinese culture, promoted cultural exchange, and made extraordinary contributions to Chinese culture "going out".
【作者单位】: 河北师范大学;


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