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发布时间:2019-04-18 09:43
【摘要】:本文是一篇英译汉翻译实践报告。原文选自Songs of Blood and Sword这本回忆录中的序和第一章。该文本记述了布托家族的历史。作者法蒂玛·布托出生于巴基斯坦显赫的布托家族,祖父是前巴基斯坦总统佐勒菲卡尔·阿里·布托。本翻译实践报告对翻译过程进行了详细的介绍,重点从英汉对比的角度对句子的处理方法进行了总结。西方人注重逻辑,具有理性的特点,而中国人惯用主体性思维,因此英语和汉语有着巨大的差异。英语中多用名词、介词;汉语中多用动词。英语句子习惯采用物称;汉语句子习惯采用人称。英语句子较多采用被动语态;汉语句子较多采用主动语态。英语句子结构复杂常含有从句;而汉语句子短小。因此译者在翻译的过程中,采用了转换法、拆译法,并对句子语态进行转换,对带有从属结构的长难句进行拆分重组。通过此次翻译实践,译者提高了翻译实践能力并且了解了巴基斯坦的文化。本次翻译实践使译者更加深刻地意识到翻译能力的提高不仅需要语言能力的提高,更要进行英汉对比研究。
[Abstract]:This paper is an English-to-Chinese translation practice report. The original text is taken from the preface and the first chapter of Songs of Blood and Sword's memoir. This text describes the history of the Bhutto family. Fatima Bhutto was born in Pakistan's prominent Bhutto family, and his grandfather was former Pakistani President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. In this translation practice report, the translation process is introduced in detail, and the sentence processing methods are summarized from the perspective of contrastive analysis between English and Chinese. Westerners attach importance to logic and have rational characteristics, while Chinese people are used to subjective thinking, so English and Chinese have great differences. Many nouns and prepositions are used in English; verbs are used in Chinese. English sentences are accustomed to using material terms; Chinese sentences are used to using personal terms. Passive voice is more used in English sentences and active voice is more used in Chinese sentences. English sentences are complex and often contain clauses, while Chinese sentences are short. Therefore, in the process of translation, the translator adopts the translation method, the deconstructing method, and carries on the transformation to the sentence voice, carries on the separation and reorganization to the long difficult sentence with the subordinate structure. Through this translation practice, the translator has improved the translation practice ability and understood the Pakistani culture. This translation practice makes the translator realize that the improvement of translation ability needs not only the improvement of language ability, but also the contrastive study between English and Chinese.


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1 辛海菲;;口译实践中的英汉对比与翻译[J];现代交际;2013年08期




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