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发布时间:2019-04-21 20:38
【摘要】:多模态层面的意义解构方式为获取语篇最佳意义开辟了新途径。多模态话语分析覆盖领域广泛,包括广告、手势、电影等,吸引了众多国内研究者。与此同时,数字化时代的多种非言语符号,诸如手势、声音等为多模态发展提供了广阔的发展前景和机遇。话语分析已经逐渐从传统的语言话语分析向现代化的多模态话语分析演变,而语言文字在多模态话语分析中仅仅是表达意义的手段之一。此外,近年来,广告作为多模态的典型载体,一直是一个热门话题,但研究人员似乎更喜欢商业广告,而对于以公众利益为倾向的非商业广告--反烟公益广告的研究一直都被忽略。因此,本文以KressVan leeuwen的互动意义和Halliday的人际元功能,Royce的符际互补理论为框架,对100篇中英公益反吸烟广告进行定量及定性分析,旨在通过探究中英反吸烟广告人际意义构建特征以及异同点,具体包括文字模态即语气、人称和情态,以及图像模态即接触、态度、社会距离、视觉情态共七个方面挖掘中英反烟公益广告在构建人际意义方式方法上的典型特征和具体手段。此外本文还对图文关系进行了探究。研究发现中英反烟公益广告在人际意义构建上有一定的相似之处,但又表现出各自的突出特征。在文字模态,中英广告均以陈述语气以及第二人称为主;二者都很少使用情态词,其中均偏向使用低情态词使交际变得可协商。抛开这些相同点,中英反烟公益广告在第一人称使用上却又大相径庭。中文反烟广告多使用第一人称复数“我们”,而英文反烟广告则更亲睐第一人称单数形式“I”和“me”。在视觉模态中,中英反烟公益广告均倾向以正面、水平视角来刻画参与者。纵然二者均以‘提供’类图像为主,但二者‘提供’信息的参与者却截然不同。此外,中文反烟公益广告多以中等距离为主,而英语反烟广告则以近距离为主。考虑这些多模态广告意义是通过各模态协作来实现,而非单个模态的叠加,本文又对图文关系进行探究,发现中英反烟广告中图文模态主要通过语气系统的加强和情态系统的不一致来共同构建意义。本研究可以增强读者对于多模态反烟广告的感受和理解能力,了解中西反烟类公益广告特点,发现这些人际意义表征方式背后潜在的其它因素。同时对于广告商在制作方式和策略方面也有积极的指导意义。
[Abstract]:The mode of meaning deconstruction at the multi-modal level opens up a new way to obtain the best meaning of a text. Multi-modal discourse analysis covers a wide range of areas, including advertising, gestures, movies, and so on, attracting a large number of domestic researchers. At the same time, a variety of nonverbal symbols, such as gestures and sounds, provide a broad prospect and opportunity for multimodal development in the digital age. Discourse analysis has gradually evolved from traditional language discourse analysis to modern multi-modal discourse analysis, and language is only one of the means to express meaning in multi-modal discourse analysis. In addition, advertising has been a hot topic in recent years as a typical multimodal carrier, but researchers seem to prefer commercial advertising. But the research of non-commercial advertisement-anti-smoking public service advertisement, which takes the public interest as the tendency, has been neglected all the time. Therefore, based on the interactive meaning of KressVan leeuwen and the interpersonal metafunctions of Halliday, and the theory of intersymbol complementarity of Royce, this paper makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of 100 Chinese and British anti-smoking advertisements for public welfare. The purpose of this paper is to explore the characteristics and similarities and differences of interpersonal meaning construction in anti-smoking advertisements between China and the UK, including text mode, mood, person and modality, and image mode, namely contact, attitude, social distance, and so on. There are seven aspects of visual modality to explore the typical characteristics and concrete means of Chinese and British anti-smoking public service advertising in the construction of interpersonal meaning. In addition, this paper also explores the relationship between pictures and texts. It is found that Chinese and British anti-smoking public service advertisements have some similarities in the construction of interpersonal meaning, but also show their own outstanding characteristics. In literal mode, both Chinese and English advertisements focus on declarative tone and second person, both of which seldom use modal words, and both tend to use low emotional words to make communication negotiable. Aside from these similarities, Chinese and British anti-smoking public service advertisements are very different in the use of first-person. Chinese anti-smoking advertisements often use the first-person plural "we", while English anti-smoking advertisements prefer the first-person singular forms of "I" and "me". In visual mode, both Chinese and British anti-smoking public service advertisements tend to portray participants from a positive and horizontal perspective. Even though both are dominated by 'provide' images, the participants in the 'provide' information are very different. In addition, Chinese anti-smoking public service advertisements are mainly medium distance, while English anti-smoking advertisements mainly focus on close distance. Considering that the significance of these multi-modal advertising is achieved through the collaboration of various modes, rather than the superposition of a single mode, this paper also explores the relationship between graphics and text. It is found that the pattern of Chinese and English anti-smoking advertisements is constructed mainly through the strengthening of mood system and the inconsistency of modality system. This study can enhance readers' ability to feel and understand multi-modal anti-smoking advertising, understand the characteristics of anti-smoking public service advertisements in China and the West, and find out other potential factors behind these interpersonal meaning representations. At the same time, there are also positive guiding significance for advertisers in the way of production and strategy.


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