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发布时间:2019-04-24 08:16
[Abstract]:From the semantic point of view, nominalization can be divided into event nominalization and result nominalization. The verb nominalization refers to the nominalization converted from the verb, and contains the interpretation of event meaning, that is, event nominalization. In language, the event semantics are generally expressed in the form of nominalization. In addition, the frequency of nominalization not only differs significantly in different genres of the same language, but also varies greatly between different languages. As a result, problems arise when language conversion, such as translation, occurs. The research on nominalization mainly focuses on the perspective of morphology and syntax and pays little attention to the translation of nominalization. Throughout the existing research, there are three problems worth paying attention to: first, these studies rarely involve the definition and classification of nominalization from the semantic perspective; second, scientific and technological texts are generally used in the study, and the text types are relatively single; Third, although the perspective of the research is relatively diverse, but the research lacks of deep exploration and interpretation of nominalization meaning. Based on this, this study takes nominalization expression as the research object and event semantics as the theoretical basis, and carries on the corpus retrieval from the English-Chinese translation diachronic corpus. This paper explores how the event semantic information contained in nominalization is presented in English and the possible realization of this information in Chinese, that is, the strategy of English-Chinese translation. The findings are as follows: (1) when it is interpreted as event semantics, English nominalization is more inclusive in composition, that is, it can allow articles, pronouns and proper nouns to enter the expression, such as articles, pronouns and proper nouns. But it does not force them to exist or not; At the same time, nominalization forms the core element of event semantics, and acts, predicates and objects are absolutely binding. (2) as a kind of free semantic component, the affix is a kind of free semantic component. It is possible to selectively exist in nominalization expression-to determine the existence of this class of components according to the needs of information expression. When it exists, the event semantic information is greatly enriched. Because its semantic orientation is difficult to grasp, this will cause difficulties in translating English and Chinese to a certain extent, so it is necessary to understand the semantic features of formative appurtenant to a certain extent. It is very important to correctly grasp semantic orientation for free and flexible translation. (3) when nominalization is expressed in English and Chinese, Chinese tends to use verb clauses to convey the semantic information of the event. This can greatly improve the readability and fluency of the translation. However, the generation of a translation is a dynamic process and a result of multi-factors. Therefore, the influence of multiple factors in and out of the text should be taken into account in translation. The research shows that event semantic perspective has strong explanatory power, and semantic logical expressions can effectively present the deep semantic relationship between semantic categories in naming expression, which provides a useful reference for cross-language semantic transformation.


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