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发布时间:2019-04-24 21:28
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of curriculum reform in basic education, great changes have taken place in the field of curriculum and teaching in China. According to the new curriculum standard, the overall goal of English curriculum in the basic education stage is to cultivate students' comprehensive language application ability, and the formation of this ability is inseparable from students' language knowledge, language skills, emotional attitude, and so on. Learning strategies and cultural awareness of the overall development of the ability. English homework is one of the most frequently used teaching methods that schools at all levels attach great importance to. It is regarded as the extension and necessary link of classroom teaching, and is not only an important factor affecting the teaching quality. It is also an important way to cultivate students' comprehensive language application ability. However, as a necessary part of classroom teaching, the reform of English homework lags far behind the other aspects of the new curriculum reform. Therefore, it has far-reaching significance to study the present situation and design of junior middle school English homework. The present situation of English homework in junior high school is studied in order to understand the embodiment of the concept of English curriculum reform in English homework and some shortcomings in English homework. So as to explore how to promote the role of homework in teaching under the new curriculum concept. On the basis of summarizing the existing research achievements and theories on homework at home and abroad, this paper investigates and studies the present situation of English homework in junior middle school combined with the English teaching practice in China. There are new curriculum standards, humanism theory and multiple intelligences theory, and through interviews and questionnaires, the author explores how to design English homework more effectively under the background of the new curriculum, and through interviews and questionnaires, the author tries to find out how to design English homework more effectively under the background of the new curriculum. Then three research questions are put forward: (1) the present situation of junior high school English homework? (2) the attitude of teachers and students towards English homework? (3) which aspects do teachers pay most attention to when designing homework? The main findings are as follows: the current junior middle school English homework design is less influenced by the new curriculum concept. Specifically speaking, first, the amount of English work is still large, the overall difficulty is not large; the type and content of homework is relatively narrow, resulting in certain limitations of homework function; Most teachers and students can give feedback on homework timely, but the way of correcting homework is single, students' participation degree is low, the function of homework in consolidating knowledge is obvious, and it has little effect on cultivating students' ability of comprehensive language application. Second, almost all teachers and most students have a positive attitude towards the importance of English homework, but some of them are negative because of some unreasonable factors in English homework. Although the amount of English homework is still large, students generally accept the present situation. However, teachers and students are not satisfied with the status quo in terms of content, form, feedback and design of homework. Thirdly, as the implementers of the new curriculum standards, teachers pay more attention to the acquisition of language knowledge in homework design than to the cultivation of students' comprehensive language skills. In order to make English homework better promote the realization of the five-dimensional goal in English curriculum standards and promote students to develop in an all-round way, the author puts forward some suggestions for English teachers to arrange English homework.


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