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发布时间:2019-04-28 07:58
[Abstract]:This translation material is excerpted from Chapter 1 of Wolf Image and Wolf Myth in American Literature. The first chapter mainly describes the definition of different wolves, such as the real wolf, the visible wolf and the invisible wolf. The differences between wolves and their influence on human consciousness and behavior are explained by citing the specific stories in some wolf works. The second chapter focuses on wolf biologists and non-fiction literature, starting from different periods of American history, through wolf biologists to find out the characteristics of wolves in each period of wolf works. Their participation has added a lot of real elements to the compilation of wolf works and more objectively analyzed the importance of the wolf species in the ecological environment as well as the change in people's attitude from beginning to destroying wolves to protecting them. Many different forms of art, such as myths, novels, movies and so on, are mentioned in this paper. At the same time, many examples are given and the differences and connections between different identities of wolves are analyzed from different perspectives. My thesis is a translation report based on this translation practice, which includes four parts: introduction to translation, research content and theoretical guidance, description of translation process and summary of practice. The first part includes the source and innovation of the translated text, as well as the purpose and significance of the translated text. It generalizes the nature of the translated text as a whole, and the work has no translation in China. The purpose of choosing this work is to make more readers understand wolf culture and expand their knowledge. The second part introduces the contents of the original section and the stylistic features of the original text. People can clearly understand the context and writing features of the original text. The third part is the description of the translation process, including the preparation, the theory used, the translation case analysis and revision, read the parallel text before translation, understand the relevant knowledge, and then use the appropriate translation theory. The author chooses Nida's theory of functional equivalence, the core of which is to achieve a functional balance between the source language and the target language, emphasizing the translation effect rather than the one-to-one correspondence of the linguistic form. Then, under the guidance of translation theory, the words and phrases in the text are analyzed and reviewed. Finally, translation experience and problems still need to be solved. For some verbs, pronouns and abstract nouns translation is both a focus and a difficult point, so it can be combined with semantic equivalence in functional equivalence. Style equivalence and formal equivalence for processing. Through the translation of the book, the author realizes that language is not a simple transformation and accumulation, that there are great cultural differences between them, that without a certain accumulation of words, literary literacy and cross-cultural understanding, it is impossible to complete the translation well. Therefore, accumulation is a very important process. In the ordinary learning process, we should work hard, think frequently, enlarge our reading quantity, and improve the ability of Chinese expression. Only by doing so can we make the translation more comfortable.


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