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发布时间:2019-04-27 09:12
[Abstract]:Chinese students lack language environment, it is very difficult for them to learn English well, especially the potential students whose motivation is unclear, their foundation is weak and their learning habits are poor. As an English teacher, how should we motivate these students and cultivate their learning habits in order to improve their English academic level? In order to solve these problems, the author conducts an action study on the teaching model of "lead-in-exhibition-evaluation" in senior high school English. Based on native teaching, this study aims to test whether the "lead-in-exhibition" teaching model can stimulate senior high school students' English learning motivation, reduce high school English classroom disciplinary behavior, and promote the improvement of senior high school students' English academic proficiency. This research also tends to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the teaching model, and further improve the teaching model in order to facilitate the management of potential students. Based on the theory of constructivism, the author uses the experimental class and the control class experiment comparison, qualitative and quantitative analysis to carry out the study. In terms of quantitative analysis, pre-test, pre-questionnaire survey, post-test and post-questionnaire survey were selected as quantitative research tools to answer research questions 1 and 2. The data were analyzed using SPSS.17.0 descriptive statistics and independent sample T-test. In the aspect of qualitative analysis, the author interviewed 6 senior English teachers and 6 students in the experimental class respectively after the experiment to answer the research question 3. All the interviews were recorded and collected into the papers. The results of quantitative study show that the English motivation level and academic achievement of the experimental class and the control class are the same before and after the experiment, and there is a significant difference in the English motivation level and academic achievement between the two classes after the experiment. The result of qualitative research shows that the teaching mode of "lead, move, show and comment" is helpful to encourage students to participate actively in the classroom and restrain their own words and deeds. Through the research, the author finds that: (1) the application of "lead, move, show and comment" teaching mode helps to improve the English learning motivation of senior high school students. (2) "lead, move, show". The application of "teaching mode" is helpful to improve senior high school students' English academic achievement. (3) the application of "introduction, movement, exhibition and evaluation" is helpful to reduce the high school students' violation of English class. In order to carry out the teaching mode of "lead, move, show, comment" effectively, the author puts forward the following suggestions: (1) lead, move, show, comment on "teaching mode emphasizes the teaching centered on students, we should insist on taking students as the main principle and teachers as auxiliary." The teacher's guidance and knowledge should not exceed 20 minutes. In carrying out group activities, teachers should design teaching activities according to students' current level and English syllabus requirements to ensure reasonable distribution of group members and maintain classroom discipline. In addition, teachers should formulate a unified evaluation criteria and put the evaluation into practice to ensure the success of the teaching model. (2) classroom is a flexible art, in order to adapt to the reform and development of English teaching. English teachers should be good at accepting new things and setting up the concept of lifelong learning. In order to cope with the flexible classroom, students-centered English teaching should be carried out in order to improve their professional literacy, teaching ability and students' management ability.


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