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发布时间:2019-04-28 16:35
[Abstract]:In May 2016, Australia announced its budget for the year 2016-2017. The budget covers various aspects of Australia's economic life, especially in pension, tax, immigration policy and other aspects of policy amendments and reforms. The state budget is closely related to people's livelihood, not only affects the direction of the economy, but also determines the field of investment, so politicians, economists, scholars, professors, executives of large companies and related economic practitioners from all over the world will pay attention to it. This practice report is based on the Australian Federal Budget News report in Sydney Morning Frontier and Melbourne Times. It consists of four parts: the first part is a description of the translation tasks. Including the background and nature of the mandate; The second part is a description of the translation process, including pre-translation preparation, translation plan implementation and post-translation matters; The third part is the translation case analysis, according to the characteristics of economic news, combined with the case to show and analyze the title, vocabulary and difficult sentence translation methods and skills. The fourth part is the induction of the whole translation practice, based on the problems existing in the process of translation, thinking and summarizing, and draw inspiration for the future learning work. Through this translation practice, the author analyzes the problems encountered in translation, such as the title of economic news, the translation of vocabulary and sentences, puts forward the corresponding solutions, and makes a summary. It is hoped that this practical report can provide some reference for other translation researchers.


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