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发布时间:2019-04-28 17:39
[Abstract]:The grammar teaching in high school English teaching has been a difficult problem. The dominant grammar teaching method has become a normal. In the view of Zhang Haiying (2014), foreign language grammar teaching is to get the best effect, and it is necessary to organically combine the dominant and recessive mechanisms. At present, most of the research on the teaching of the whole and the implicit grammar is still at the theoretical level, and the empirical research is relatively small. This study attempts to apply the explicit and implicit full-form grammar teaching to the high school English teaching, and the effect is analyzed by the empirical analysis. The main part of this study is to explore the following three questions:1) whether the teaching effect of explicit and implicit whole-type grammar teaching is superior to the dominant grammar teaching? 2) What is the effect of explicit and explicit grammar teaching on students of different English? 3) How to influence the interest and self-confidence of the students' learning grammar? The experiment is carried out in two parallel classes of a high-level high school in a state-level high school in Guangdong province. Through the random arrangement, one class is the experimental class, the other is the control class, and the number of students in each class is 63. The experimental class accepts the explicit and implicit whole-type grammar teaching, and the control class accepts the explicit grammar teaching. The whole experiment was completed in late October 2016. Before and after the experiment, the students of the two classes were tested for grammar (pre-test and post-test). The test results are used to compare the teaching effect of the two teaching methods, and whether they have a significant effect on the teaching effect of the students in different English groups. In addition, a pre-experiment interview was conducted to some of the students in different English-speaking groups in the two classes, in order to understand the basic situation of the English grammar teaching in junior high school and how the attitude of the students to learn the grammar; to conduct the post-experiment interview to some of the students in different English-speaking groups in the experimental class, The purpose of this study is to investigate the positive effect of explicit and explicit grammar teaching on the students' learning grammar. The results of the grammar test show that the teaching effect of the explicit and implicit whole-type grammar teaching is better than that of the dominant grammar teaching, and the teaching effect of the explicit and implicit whole-type grammar teaching is significant to the teaching effect of the students of different levels of English. The results of the interview before the experiment show that the traditional grammar teaching method is widely used in the teaching of junior high school English grammar, and the interest and confidence of the students' learning grammar are at a relatively low level. The results of the interview show that the explicit and explicit grammar teaching can effectively improve the students' interest and confidence in the study of grammar. Based on the above results and findings, this paper puts forward some concrete and feasible suggestions on how to implement explicit and explicit grammar teaching in the domestic large-class teaching.


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